Saturday, December 1, 2018

She will be loved

Anyone who know her would describe her as strong willed, independent, a walking ray of sunshine...The woman who can do everything, solo travel, hiking, finishing a half marathon, a cum laude and has an MBA degree on her belt. Heck, she is her own person , a very detached yet sweet to her friends. She'll go the distance for her loved ones, friends included.

she can be anywhere in a snap

And she used to believed that she can do it all. That even in the lowest of lows, she will emerged strong. For the past years, she had this thinking that she stopped needing anyone, she can do everything. 

One day this woman find herself in a plethora of emotion. So new that she doesn't know how to handle. She cried, she questioned and couldn't fathom why. 

Yes she got heartbroken. She realized she loved this certain guy so much, too bad it is not mutual. She tried to conceal it, act normal, be the strong woman she present herself to be. However, the feelings of loss and heartache is too much to bear. It was one of her lows.

Ganito pala mgmahal" she told herself. 

It has been a month since she realized it. She decided to distance herself from this guy, the guy on the other hand, distanced himself too and she took that as a sign to move forward.  She accepted she can't control other people's feeling, and that she can only control and direct herself. Everyday, she is getting better.  She knows that one day, in the right time, she will be loved.

She will be loved

Anyone who know her would describe her as strong willed, independent, a walking ray of sunshine...The woman who can do everything, sol...